Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Benefits of Hiring a Productivity Expert to Get Organized

This article by Anne McGurty of Strategize and Organize, and a Paper Tiger Expert, gives us some of the benefits of hiring a productivity expert to super-charge the process of getting organized to become more productive! A productivity expert has already done the research on different types of products and will know what will work for your work-style. Also click here to see the latest webinar recording available where Anne demonstrates how to use Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management more effectively.

Strategize and Organize

Are you ready to get organized, but stalling because of a lack of time, money, or motivation? Don’t despair! A productivity consultant is just what you need! Make an investment in yourself, your business, and your staff that will provide amazing advantages for years to come.

Here are some of the benefits you can look forward to once you get organized:

You can save money. Once you get organized, you’ll know what you already own, eliminating the need to buy duplicate items. You’ll also be able to buy what you need when it’s on sale, rather than buying at the last minute. Your productivity consultant can also help you find the perfect organizing and productivity products and technology for your space and work style, so you stop wasting money on notebooks and gadgets that just don’t work.

You can become more productive and efficient. A productivity consultant can create order and structure out of chaos. You’ll receive systems that work for your dominant learning style, your work style, your needs, your challenges, and your dreams. Whether at work or at home, you’ll increase productivity once you have an organized and efficient schedule to keep you on track. You’ll be amazed at how much you get done in shorter amounts of time. And by focusing on your priorities and goals, you’ll be able to finally move ahead toward reaching them.

You’ll have a positive self-image and ditch the shame. Once your office is neat and tidy, you won’t feel embarrassed to have guests visit. The guilt will fade away as you take pride in your surroundings. Your organized office will allow you to present a professional image to co-workers, clients, and superiors. Your organized office and new-found habits to keep it that way will set a great example for your staff and co-workers.

You can create a healthier environment. Physical and emotional clutter obscures your surroundings. A clutter-free environment is simply easier to manage. A productivity consultant can help you clear out your space so you can see that you and your surroundings are fine just as they are.

Your stress level will decrease dramatically. When you can find what you need, are on top of your to-dos, and arrive on time, you’ll feel calmer and have more peace of mind. No more feeling overwhelmed by life — you’ll be the one in control.

You’ll discover more time for yourself. When you’re organized, your days go as planned, and you get a lot done. That leaves more time to indulge in making money in your business or career and achieve a little “me time”.

Your energy will shine. Clutter is a mask. A productivity consultant can help you take off that mask and let people see your vibrancy! Once the clutter is removed, you can showcase your talents, skills, and personality and have the life you deserve.

Productivity Expert as Mentor and Coach

Getting organized is not about putting things away or cleaning it up, it’s about understanding what got you into a state of disarray and chaos. This chaos affects people in different ways. In the case of this particular executive, it was holding him back from hiring an assistant and re-energizing his business development after the recession lull of the last two years. We didn’t even touch on how it may be affecting him personally.

All that being said though, it came down to him saying to me that he needed someone to organize him. Do you sometimes think that you need someone to just tell you what to do? I think we all look for someone to tell us what to do at some point in time or another, but are we listening? Not always.

I told this client that I understood his frustration, because when you’re in such a state of chaos, you’re also possibly dealing with “a running tape of thoughts” in your head, saying things like “no one understands me”.

A perfectly put together professional who has all the answers may get his office organized, but he may not understand the need to have someone to be accountable to — like a coach. We hear about success stories all the time — someone who loses a ton of weight and then coaches others and is extremely effective. The reason the former overweight person is so effective is that they understand when the client is dying for that banana cream pie, the coach understands that having just a taste is not satisfying the behavior to eat the whole darn pie — it is sabotaging their success.

Our Productivity Solution

I told my client that I’m like the former overweight person; I wanted the whole banana cream pie. I often made a mess of my world because I wasn’t brought up in a naturally organized, balanced life or family setting. I grew up thinking you had to work all the time and if you didn’t work hard enough you weren’t worthy. (You can learn more about that when you hear my keynote!) I learned best by people who understood my journey … or bumpy road.

We came to the solution with my client that he needed someone to manage him. Yes, I would come in and get the office organized to start. Then, beginning with a fresh office, we would identify all the projects on his list and set his priorities. As we go through this process, his habits will become apparent and I can start making recommendations of where he needs to delegate and where we can incorporate efficient tools and systems to maximize his productivity. Along the way, we’ll hire an administrative assistant, someone to handle the daily tasks of organization (filing, phone calls, etc… that are not money making tasks for this executive). This project will be an opportunity to supervise his behaviors and give him tools to learn how to manage himself. A good mentor is really what he needs and as a productivity expert, mentoring  is a way to help someone learn how to move onto managing their own lives.


About Anne:

Anne McGurty is CEO of Strategize & Organize, a company devoted to training individual’s to be more effective with the tools and resources to be productive in their work environment.

If you liked today’s issue, you’ll love Anne’s transforming productivity training and organizing products to help you organize your business — and yourself — ranging from productivity consulting for individuals and executives to small business coaching programs to keynote speaking and corporate training programs to improve efficiencies in the workplace and improve productivity.

While Anne is best known for her expertise in productivity and expert office organizing, her clients share that her biggest impact comes from her philosophy of “personalizing her programs to fit the needs of her clients so they can streamline more efficiently with existing processes” – ensuring to create a sustainable work environment. This, Anne says, is the most important key to bringing an individual to personal freedom with time and organization.

You can learn more about Anne and her services, programs, and products for small businesses, as well as keynote speaking at

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