Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Even Artists Can Be Organized with Paper Tiger

Trying to get yourself established and off the ground as an artist isn’t always easy. One of the greatest challenges artistic minded people face is sometimes balancing the business mind with the creative one. The bottom line is that many creative types thrive when it comes to creating their art, whatever the medium may be. When it comes to taking care of the other details, things often fall apart.

Getting organized doesn’t have to be that difficult. The most challenging part may only be getting a filing system like Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management in place, and before long you will have to do nothing but be creative and file as needed into your filing system you’ve put in place to work for you. As you get more clients or sales and can hire others to help manage your growing business, they too can learn to use the same system with no effort at all.

Why a Filing System Is Important to Be Organized

More than likely if you are seriously trying to establish yourself as an artist, you have paperwork scattered with no real system. Your focus is being artistic and the rest seems like just details. You probably even have some important papers lying around in piles that may act as a priority system, but if you should need to find one in a pinch there would be no way to do so.

You probably have papers including:

  • Your receipts for supplies and other important papers relating to your expenses and income
  • Your notes or bio to be used for a press release
  • A stack of important model release forms to keep you legally protected in case any one of the models you used for your photos or paintings claims you didn’t have their permission
  • The application and related papers for the artists grant
  • A list of places where your artwork is on display or on consignment so you don’t lose any pieces and can find one when someone should contact you about purchasing your art

More than likely there are a lot more pieces of paper lying around that you can’t keep track of but need to. In many cases, the paperwork has gotten so out of hand it can actually stress a person out and becomes an extremely important task that just keeps getting put off.

Implementing Paper Tiger to Get Organized

For Paper Tiger, you would keep your paper in its original form (you do not have to scan it) and use the power of the computer to index the paper that you need to keep in hard copy format, and also index other physical items,such as your artwork and where each piece is located. Paper Tiger can index anything!
For paper filing, you would first set up all hanging file folders in your file cabinets at one time using the numbered tabs that you print out from the software and they never change. You input information relating to each document in the database’s corresponding index file number location. You can give the document any name you want without any worry about finding it later. This is because the system will allow you to add as many keywords as you want that describe all documents that you put in your hanging file folders. For documents that you want to add to the same file, simply edit the Item and add additional keywords necessary for the new document(s).

Because the hanging file folders are already set up and waiting for your information, you eliminate the time-consuming hassle of having to find and create a file folder each time you want to file something.

When you’ve indexed your paper files or your artwork and other physical items into Paper Tiger, and you need to find an item, you simply conduct a Google-like search in the database to find where the needed item is located. This solves problems with filing such as

*You can’t decide what to name something;
*You don’t like making new folders when you need to file;
*You can’t remember where or what name you filed something under.

When it comes to locate the list of galleries where your artwork is, you would type in the name that you’ve given each of your artwork into the Item Name field of Paper Tiger, then in the Keyword field, you would type in where the item is located and any other information that you might want relating to that piece. Then when you need to know where a particular piece is, you would conduct your search in Paper Tiger, and your filing system will let you know where it is.

If you have no idea where to start in setting up an organized filing system; one where all legal and tax requirements are met, you might consider hiring a productivity consultant who can help you understand what you need to keep, how long you need to keep certain items, and the consultant will be able to create a customized work-flow for your business side to help you maintain an organized system.

It is as simple as that. Even someone who begins working for you could type in a keyword and find the needed item quickly. When you get organized it makes it that much easier to stay organized. Start your business off the right way with Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management to help keep your records management organized. Start getting organized by implementing your document management software and put the focus back where it should be, on your artwork!

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