Paper Tiger Blog


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Can Your Office Benefit From a Digital Filing System?

Computer search for paper and digital files

How many times have you needed a file in your office, only to end up spending hours searching for what you need, in either paper file or digital file format? This can happen in many offices, because there is often so much information that comes into the office in all kinds of ways. Sometimes it gets filed physically in your filing cabinets, sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes you end up with a big paper pile that is so disorganized that no one knows where anything is when they need it.

And what about the information that comes into your office via email? Are they always printed? Maybe not, but you know you’ve seen the information somewhere! Do you try to organize your digital files into folders, and do you always get that done systematically like you should?

Even if you know where everything is, it doesn’t mean that your employees will be able to find files when you are not around. It will take them a lot of time if there is not a systematic plan in place for your document management system. Disorganization costs you money when you and your employees could be more productive and get more work done, instead of searching for that needed file, in whatever format it is in — whether it be paper file, scanned image or digital file created by someone in your office or downloaded from email. These are all really good reasons to make the switch to document management software.

Why You Need an Effective Filing System

Even the smallest of offices have all kinds of paper files and digital or electronic files, and after a while, if things are not properly organized, it can be difficult to get your hands on a file when you need it.

You are able to declutter your office and get more organized when you have effective document management software.

Organize Paper Files and Other Physical Items

For your paper files and other physical items that cannot be scanned, Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management enables you to index everything physical so that you can conduct a quick Google-like search from the software’s database and find anything you need in a matter of seconds.

Often, there is one person who takes care of the paper filing. With traditional filing systems, this person would often have their own system, and if they were out of the office, no one else would have a clue how to find the files they needed. When your paper files are indexed into a filing system software, anyone in your office can easily find all of the files they need, and there is no need to rely on one person to find everything. Instead of having people spend all day trying to find a file and not getting other work done, they can retrieve the file they need in seconds and go about their work.

In addition, instead of only one person knowing where the office supplies are or where the training manuals or CDs, and the many other things in an office, all of these can be indexed into Paper Tiger’s database. This will allow others in the office to search for ‘paper clips’ and know exactly what drawer or cabinet they are located.

Organize Your Digital Files

There will always be some paper in your office, but are you planning to at least cut down on some of the paper you have in your office? You know the myth of the paperless office? So to you, paperless may mean simply less paper. Because you may not be able to do away with all of the paper in your office, you’ll have Paper Tiger-Digital Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management to take care of the physical documents and other items in your office to get organized, but what about your digital files?

Everyone in your office probably has their own way of managing their digital files. One may be diligent in how they manage digital files, but would anyone else in the office be able to figure out the system and find a document if that person is out of the office? Another person may be haphazard about where they save documents and very difficult to find their digital files when needed.

Having a digital filing system can really help everyone in your office, and we recommend Digital Tiger, powered by Google Docs for organizing your electronic or digital files.

With just one click in Paper Tiger, connect to your Google Docs account; then your Paper Tiger becomes Digital Tiger! Digital Tiger works with your Google account to allow you to upload any document from your desktop or scan directly to Google Docs, then be able to search both your paper files or other physical indexed items and digital files with one search. When uploading or scanning your documents to Google Docs, they become searchable, so you will be able to search by any word or number within the document.  You will be able to organize your digital files into folders or collections and securely share documents with your co-workers or others with a Gmail account.

Implement Paper Tiger-Digital Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management to get your entire office organized. You’ll be able to access, search and organize all of your documents from any Internet connection. Digital Tiger promises to help clear your desk without clearing out your wallet, and gives you the tool to find anything in your office, either paper or digital, in seconds!

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