“I have been using "Paper Tiger" for 10 years - I love it!”
Larry Davis, Security Plus
Dec 29, 2010
“I like this product because it gets rid of these towering paper files. Thank You!”
Rebecca Lassiter
Dec 09, 2010
“All I can say is that it is definately the best and probably the only way to keep people like myself who have ADD organized!!”
Nov 19, 2010
“Even with ADHD, I can still find everything.”
Steve Goldfarb, Goldfarb Law Office, P.A.
Oct 24, 2010
“Paper Tiger is really a tiger when it comes to filing, it is so great to cross reference things too.”
Dec 29, 2010
“I'm a teacher and can't imagine finding materials without Paper Tiger. Thank goodness for Paper Tiger!”
Sue Vaughn
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it allows me to search for my stuff by keyword, making locating a particular document in a complex file very quick and easy. Being able to input many relevant keywords is a real plus with this system.”
Joyce Thomson, Saint Mary's University
Oct 13, 2011
“Paper Tiger has slashed my paper mess down to manageable levels. I've been a Paper Tiger fan for years!”
Chris Brewer, America's Incredible Pizza Company
Dec 29, 2010
“This filing system is the only one that has begun to tame the wilderness of 13 years of collected papers.”
Rev. John A. Nelson, Niantic Community Church
Dec 29, 2010
“I have been a user of Paper Tiger Software for more than 10 years and it has been the best tool for handling filing and information.”
Rafael, Ragoca Development
Dec 29, 2010
“Love Paper Tiger! I never lose paperwork anymore and when the boss comes looking for something, I can open up Paper Tiger and bam....there is it.”
Dina L Peterson, Income Property Specialists
Dec 29, 2010
“For years I've had to dig through stacks that pile up on my desk. That's no longer the case, thanks to Paper Tiger.”
Tracy Wilson, Special Olympics Summer Games
Nov 16, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it benefits both my life AND my business!”
Ethan Sweeps, Sweeps Int'l
Dec 30, 2010
“I started using Paper Tiger in 1997. It is my lifeline to all of my paper work. I love filing by number rather than alphabetic. Just makes so much sense.”
Bonnie Gardner, Big Vision
Oct 21, 2010
“If you are like me and procrastinate about filing paperwork away, check out Paper Tiger. This filing system will manage the paper and let you run your business.”
Delano Jennings, Quality Spray
Nov 26, 2010
“Using Paper Tiger has cut our document research time substantially. We know what we have and where it is. Brilliant.”
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger has really helped streamline the papers in my office!”
Matthew Udland, UMKC
Dec 29, 2010
“Try Paper Tiger, they removed the clutter from my desk and I know they can help you too.”
Delano Jennings, Quality Spray
Feb 25, 2011
“Paper Tiger has helped our small office get organized. Document storage and retrieval has never been more easy. I have saved so much time and money using Paper Tiger and I'm more organized.”
Victoria Lester
Nov 16, 2010
“I love the Paper Tiger because it organizes my hundreds of files with out any major effort.”
Sonia Astwood, Human Affairs
Jan 24, 2011
“I love Paper Tiger because it makes my life easier...@fdp4life”
Susan Smoaks
Nov 22, 2011
“I've used Paper Tiger for years in my business and have found it to be a real life saver when it comes to managing all paperwork.”
Cheryl Marr, ERA Rocklin Real Estate
Dec 29, 2010
“I was a disorganized mess until I started using Paper Tiger, now I am organized and know where all my stuff is (papers, books, dvd's, cd's, etc. etc.)”
Robert Fettes, Plus 1 Pizza
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger is a revolutionary way to solve all your filing needs. It keeps me free from clutter and able to access anything I need, at any time.”
Karen Mead, Verging On
Nov 16, 2010
“Paper Tiger has changed the way I work - for the better! My desk is clean now and free of paper clutter. Those stacks of paper in my outbox have disappeared! Thanks, Paper Tiger!”
Katy Morris
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it has gotten me organized and keeps my important papers where I can find them so easily.”
Susie Rankin, Retired
Jan 25, 2011
“I love being able to find a paper immediately. I love, love, love the paper tiger.”
Foresteen Forbes
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger simplifies finding anything I need to store, short term or long term.”
Leon Christensen
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because I can take my office with me wherever I go.”
Jomar T. Sadie, Bessie Mati Designs
Feb 24, 2011
“I love Paper Tiger because it saves me so much time!”
Dec 02, 2010
“Paper Tiger helps keep my desk cleared off and I can find what I need when I need it fast by looking it up on Paper Tiger. This is a great filing system.”
Joy Widmer, Summit Superior Floor Care LLC
Mar 09, 2011
“I have used Paper Tiger for several years, and when I remember to use it, it works great. When I don't use the system, my paper tiger bites hard. Thanks for continuing support in your product line.”
Charlie W Henry, TX Farm Bureau Ins Co
Dec 29, 2010
“Just this morning, I had a request to pull a legal document that hadn't been needed or even viewed in over two years. I pulled up Paper Tiger Online, typed in one word and had the file in my hand - all within two minutes. Stress free!”
Pam Berry, Berry and Company
Feb 08, 2012
“Paper Tiger saves me time EVERY DAY! I can't remember where I put statements, records, personal info. Paper Tiger does though, so I'm set! Perfect!”
Tim Burridge, Lisa Burridge & Associates Real Estate
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software has helped us out a lot at work. This simple indexing system for the hanging files in our filing cabinet have kept us very organized!”
Diane Vescio, UPMC
Dec 29, 2010
“I love the Paper Tiger. It's a simple, and easy to use and super efficient way to file and EASILY retrieve documents--you should try it!”
Jeanine Davis, Davis Painting, Inc.
Dec 29, 2010
“I have used this software now for more than 2 years and it has made finding documents a breeze!”
Annie K.
Dec 29, 2010
“During recent litigation, Paper Tiger was priceless as it enabled us to have immediate instant access to all of the documents needed to prevail. People kept remarking how organized I was... the secret... it's the Paper Tiger!”
Laura Roquemore, OneCallCuresAll.com
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because we don't lose important documents any more! We know just where to look and anyone in the office can use this system. Better yet, we no longer have piles of paper on (or under) our desks waiting to be filed!”
Kathryn Shirley, NC State University Women's Basketball
Oct 29, 2010
“I'm a Paper Tiger customer and love this program. I use it for everything!! Anyway, I've been organizing books, craft items, household cupboards, etc. It's amazing!!!”
Chery Togashi, Home Office
Sep 18, 2012
“I love the Paper Tiger because I have been so disorganized for so long that I didn't know where to begin. Once I got the system in place, it was so much easier for me.”
Gail Steger Mock, Juice Plus+ for Health
Nov 02, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it keeps all my genealogy documents in a way I can access them within seconds and only a couple touches of the keyboard. A genealogy must!”
Kay Vinsand
Dec 07, 2010
“I have been using Paper Tiger since you started and it’s the best filing system anyone could use.”
Robert Juska, Juska FTG Florist
Dec 29, 2010
“I love my Paper Tiger & am so glad I could upgrade to the newest Professional version! I use it every day & have recommended it to all my collegues!!”
Ruth Massengale, R & R Trucking
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it frees me from having to create complex topical structures for my files - just put it in the next slot, enter the keywords and you're done!”
Joyce Thomson, Saint Mary's University
Sep 27, 2011
“This is a great software if you want to finally END all of your filing frustrations”
Cort Curtis, A Change in Thinking
Dec 29, 2010
“I love paper tiger because, I like feeling in control. I like being able to quickly locate what I'm looking for, especially when my boss asks for it! Paper Tiger reduces my stress level because I don't have to say, "Wait, let me find it."”
Iris Metcalf, BBFC-TT
Mar 01, 2011
“Been using PT for several years, have organized almost everything...i.e., paper, Christmas decorations in rubbermaids, cds, books, extra storaged items, boxes when I moved to a new home, it's a fantastic program!”
Val Lane
Oct 28, 2010
“This program has helped me organize project records going back 40-50 years. So user friendly and easy to learn. We love the Paper Tiger!”
Jackie Gilde, City of Seaside
Nov 16, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because of the time it saves me and it is almost impossible to misfile. I am a true believer!”
Elaine Simpson, City of Mobile
Nov 09, 2010
“All I can say is that it is definitely the "BEST" and probably the only way to keep people like myself who have ADD organized!!”
Nov 19, 2010
“Innovative, clear, time saving, cost effective. What more could you ask for in a Tiger.”
George, Raphael Consulting Group
Dec 29, 2010
“Have used Paper Tiger since 1999 and very happy with the product. We use it for the office filing system, as well as personal filling system and we are looking forward to the Online version.”
Rafael, Continental Investments
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger has been my filing system for several years. Truly I can find any document in a few seconds.”
Debbie Oppie, Desired Reflections
Dec 29, 2010
“I couldn't have survived a 6 year high court contested divorce without the system. You don't have to think and when you're emotional and stressed you can't.”
Monica Donnelly
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger helped me organize my files and vastly increased my productivity during the day.”
Chad Schaeffer, SCSB
Nov 16, 2010
“I love the Paper Tiger because it prevents me from creating a number of different files for the same subject! and I do need help and prodding to clean out files!”
Steffanie Chew, Carver Elementary Academy
Oct 27, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because now I can finally find anything I need! Years of stacked up papers, research, contacts are now being organized & used. I can be much more effective in my work & time management in my one-person office. Thank you!”
Lisa Goede, Bear River Heritage Area
Oct 27, 2010
“Paper Tiger has streamlined our office unbelievably! Thank you!”
Diane Wilson, Capital Area MPO
Nov 16, 2010
“I love the freedom to be creative without worrying about filing until later - and then having Paper Tiger make it so easy to take that step.”
Andrew Bein, Active Inquiry
Jan 18, 2011
“This system was recommended by a colleague. After some hesitation, our use of Paper Tiger has dramatically reduced the amount of paper in our office and has truly made everything easier to locate.”
Deb Colling, Professional Learning Alternatives, Inc.
Nov 19, 2010
“I am slowly using Paper Tiger, only because time is limited! I am excited to have found "Paper Tiger" and look forward to organizing my life, family, home and businesses. Thank you Paper Tiger!”
Angela Chapman, Self
Dec 27, 2011
“Absolutely great product! I would be completely lost without it! Thanks!”
Billy L
Oct 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger has allowed me to see what my desk looks like now without the stacks of paper everythere!”
Delano Jennings, Quality Spray
Nov 26, 2010
“This is the best system for confidentiality of my work and employee documents, especially for anyone who works in the human resources and finance area!”
Pam Berry, CJI
Nov 16, 2010
“The Paper Tiger is amazing!! I love Paper Tiger because it makes filing so much easier.”
Wade Triplett
Nov 23, 2010
“I love the Paper Tiger because I can search for things by category if I am having difficulty remembering the name of the file!”
Steffanie Chew, Carver Elementary Academy
Oct 27, 2010
“Paper Tiger is simple and brilliant. The breakthrough is in understanding that the important thing is quick retrieval, not fancy or elaborate filing. Thanks for creating a system that works the way the human brain actually works.”
Dr. Marc Kossmann, PersonalSuccess Marketing
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it makes a grueling task easy. Easy enough for me to actually file all these documents instead of letting it pile up! Thanks so much!”
Lilly Nguyen
Jul 26, 2011
“Very easy, convenient!! excellent source for filing your taxes!!! A++++++”
Mary Rodowicz
Dec 29, 2010
“I love the Paper Tiger because I am a Pastor. I have 3 large filing cabinets and every piece of information I need from it is only about 5 seconds away. It is incredibly simple to use and exactly what I need to stay organised.”
Ross Cochrane, Words of Life Blogs
Aug 31, 2011
“Before Paper Tiger, I had only an idea where I filed things. After Paper Tiger, I know exactly where it is filed. Thanks Paper Tiger! You make me look good.”
Tom Fulner, Dynamark Graphics Group, Inc.
Oct 27, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it solves my paper filing problems!”
Dec 29, 2010
“I love the Paper Tiger! It's so great! It's the perfect solution if you want to be organized all the time. You are able to find things at the click of a button.”
Kimberly Beetlestone, IMS
Nov 16, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger Software, because it makes my life easy and leaves me a lot of free time!”
Oct 28, 2010
“This is the best software for organizing my home files! It's not just a program, it's a sure-fire system that helps me eliminate the clutter. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Kevin McAllister
Oct 31, 2010
“I have been using Paper Tiger for years and I'm very, very satisfied with it. We are total mac user's and had a PC only to run Paper Tiger. Now I have been totally liberated with Paper Tiger Online. Awesome product!”
Glyn, Avonlea Foundation
Dec 29, 2010
“Everyone has heard the line "If a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind then what does an empty desk mean?" I think it means that you started using The Paper Tiger.”
Mabyn Shingleton, Louisiana Wholesale
May 20, 2011
“I love Paper Tiger because I can create files for as many topics as I need. When I no longer need a file, I can reassign that file number to the new topic/subject.”
Ethelyn Barksdale, Personally Speaking Speech-Language Pathology Services
Oct 19, 2010
“I purchased the Paper Tiger program about 10 years ago. I used it extensively. It really is an outstanding program.”
Mark Calloway
Jan 31, 2011
“This is first time I see Paper Tiger and I think it's awesome. I register and enjoy being Paper Tiger!”
Martik, Martik-Scorp
Feb 22, 2011
“I received a beta copy of Paper Tiger and it has been really useful! I love that I can organize the directions and ring counts for my jewelry that I make. It's also incredibly easy to use. Thank you so much!”
Marcella Cook, MarciMallow
Oct 28, 2010
“I am using Paper Tiger to tame the huge piles that have been littering my office.”
Alan D, My Atlanta Homes
Oct 31, 2010
“I have my filing coded and ready to put away. I got Paper Tiger software several years ago and love it. There has been several times that I needed to find a document, and was able to put my hands on it fast. I recommend this program often.”
Jun 24, 2015
“Paper Tiger is the greatest! As a professional organizer, I use it in residences, home offices and business settings. I've found it to be universally easy to use, easy explain, and helps everyone find what they need when they need it!”
Jeanne Hink, The Right Sort, LLC
Oct 28, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because my desk is uncluttered, I don't have to go searching for files anymore and when my colleagues are looking for something they can look in my database as well and don't have to ask me for help!”
Caryl Schiff-Greatorex, CSU-AAUP
Nov 03, 2010
“Paper Tiger gets rid of the paper stacks and does the work for you. CHECK IT OUT!!”
Delano Jennings, Quality Spray
Nov 16, 2010
“This is a great app for a very small business. I spend less time doing filing and more time increasing inventory and sales.”
RKS, Studio House
Nov 16, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it has allowed me to gain control of my paperwork and get a life back.”
Richards, Richards Construction
Feb 08, 2011
“Can it possibly be since 1995 that I have been using my original version of The Paper Tiger? Yes, and mostly self-taught since the program is so intuitive.”
R T Quigley, ProDisCo., Inc.
Nov 03, 2010
“Paper Tiger Software is one of the best inventions since sliced bread. Once the tiger is fed, all data will be found - be it files, music, library books or anything you need to retrieve...”
Cindy Swan, Bermuda International Professional Organizing
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger filing system is wonderful to use! It makes finding and returning documents painless.”
Beverly Hamile, Contra Costa Small Business Development Center
Dec 29, 2010
“Before Paper Tiger, I had only an idea where I filed things. After Paper Tiger, I know exactly where it is filed. Thanks Paper Tiger - you make me look like good.”
Tom Fulner, Dynamark Graphics Group, Inc.
Oct 19, 2010
“Love the product! File it anywhere and find easily at anytime with Paper Tiger. It really makes filing a breeze. This product does for filing what Google did for web sites!”
Jesus Dacal, Encore Int'l Trading, Inc.
Oct 19, 2010
“You have the best filing system I've seen so far. It's very organized. It's really great that you offer a free option.”
Laura Kahn, self employed
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger helps keep my home office organized and that's what make us successful.”
Victoria Lester, Home Business
Nov 10, 2010
“Paper Tiger really does save time. It also enables me to feel comfortable with the idea that I can find what I need, when I need it, to meet my clients' needs!”
Morris Kaufman, Financial Design Partners
Dec 29, 2010
“There's nothing better to get your paper monster under control than Paper Tiger. Thanks guys!”
Barbara Lopatin
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger is the ONLY way for me to stay organized in my business and keep me from being forced to go on the "Hoarders" show.”
Robert Castanaro, EZMedware
Dec 29, 2010
“If your desk is cluttered like mine is, then Paper Tiger can help. No more struggling to find that needle in a haystack. Paper Tiger takes care of the work so you can spend your time on better things!”
Delano Jennings, Quality Spray
Nov 28, 2010
“I love the Paper Tiger because it really is a simple filing system and a great way to REALLY organize files....in other words: I can file things and actually retrieve them (easily)!”
Jeanine Davis
Dec 18, 2010
“I have made a believer out of my boss. He could not believe how quickly I could retrieve a file.”
Elaine, City of Mobile
Nov 10, 2010
“We are new users and so far you are making it easy to learn the systems and
navigate the site. We intend to "Paper Tiger" our office and refer others.”
Steven Hutt, WMS, Inc
Dec 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger has removed the clutter from my desk, I feel so naked with a clean desk.”
Delano Jennings, Quality Spray
Nov 16, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it's really helped me organize my office, therefore giving me more time to concentrate on sales. Thank you Paper Tiger!!”
Char, InternetSurplus
Aug 22, 2011
“Paper Tiger is worth a try. They eliminate the paper and free up time to use on making your business succeed not dealing with paperwork. Also Eco Friendly!”
Delano Jennings, Quality Spray
Feb 25, 2011
“I love the fact that I don't have to 'pre-think' all my categories before using it! It's flexible and it works on the fly! No more having paralysis having to decide on alphabetical categories: "Is this an 'A' or is this an 'R'?"”
John Gehm
Mar 08, 2011
“I loved how simple it was to use your filing system. It is a great product for both companies and home use!”
Gail Swanstrom
Nov 16, 2010
“Finally this year, my paper mess is under control!
Paper Tiger ended my big paper mess.”
Oct 27, 2010
“Paper Tiger is the easiest, most intuitive way to organize all your paper. I have loved it for years and am thrilled about the new internet version!”
Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, AIR Consulting
Dec 29, 2010
“I have used Paper Tiger for several years and it truly is a timesaver!”
Dec 29, 2010
“I love The Paper Tiger's indexing system...it can get even the most disorganized person decluttered!”
Kimberly Kelly-Sydow
Dec 29, 2010
“I have used Paper Tiger since Version 1 and it is the best filing system I can imagine! So glad to have attended a seminar with Barbara and got into the Paper Tiger family. It is worth all the effort. Join the family!”
Mike Mehring, Full Gospel Church
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it enables me to be much more efficient on a day-to-day basis. Thanks Paper Tiger!”
Kevin McAllister, Victory Christian Academy
Oct 31, 2010
“Paper Tiger has helped me organize massive stacks of paper that were difficult to categorize under traditional methods. Paper Tiger makes it quick and easy and allows me to keep and access important reference material. Thank you.”
Randolph Hinton, RH Wealth Advisors, Inc.
Oct 19, 2010
“Paper Tiger has freed me from the "filing stenosis" that has plagued me for years. Now I can file easily without the worries of "where do I file it in the first place so that I can find it later...?"”
Gray Thornburg, ODW
Nov 29, 2010
“Paper Tiger has removed my ambivalence when a document seems to belong in more than one file at once.”
Elizabeth Robinson, University of Phoenix
Oct 28, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger because it has helped our office organize our paper files and become more efficient in finding what we need.”
Alissa, City of Stayton
Dec 14, 2010
“I have a lot going on at all times and have a difficult time staying organized - Paper Tiger system is awesome.”
Wendy Klemka
Dec 29, 2010
“I love Paper Tiger for both home and business, and I have been using it for almost as long as it has been around. A personal coach, Maria Ikenberry, first told me about it.”
Judith Glover, Judith Gleason Glover, Artist
Dec 29, 2010
“I Love Paper Tiger because I really can find every kind of document in only some seconds.
I am usually very organized on my own, but Paper Tiger helps me to mantain this level of order every day.”
Eva, GAP Livorno
Mar 01, 2011