Ilena Kipnis
Kipnis Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Oct 27, 2010
I love Paper Tiger!! I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, 5 businesses, along with a charity organization and this is the one program that has helped me to organize ALL THOSE THINGS in a way that is easy, fast, any 4th grader can do it, and it has improved my marriage because it has ended the "I don't know where it is, I thought you had it??" argument everyday. When we look for kids papers for school, tax returns, plane tickets, school projects, EVERYTHING!! My office is organized, I can find all really important documents in seconds, and everything has a place, and it's private. For those of us who have people in our homes, including home offices, or teenage kids, etc. it keeps our documents private, and no one can "peek" at your financial records, because there are no labels on the folders, except for a number or code. IT'S AWESOME!! Once you start this program, you want to convert everything onto it. THANK YOU, PAPER TIGER PEOPLE!!!